Social Distancing & The Writer WK 1 Update
Hey Y'all!
It has been one week of being in my house and while I wish I could say I have been productive. I have not. Sometimes I forget that I have issues with anxiety and depression that a global pandemic can understandably trigger. I haven't completely freaked out with all the what ifs and doomsday scenarios my brain keeps throwing at me but I can't say that it's helped my creative brain in the least.
I won't lie and say I didn't see this being a possibility for me. I just thought I would be able to get a good weeks worth of productivity before the sweat pants and day naps became my day to day. I am doing my best to take things a day at a time. I have been forcing myself to spend time in the sun (in my backyard), and using my non creative time to spend more time with my diva tots while they pursue their creative endevours.
Anyway, I hope this week has been full of creativity for the rest of you! Stay Home, Stop the Spread, Save Lives!
Peace, Love, and Happy Reading/Writing!
Stella Williams